May 8, 2024


I made the decision to leave officially.

I had been contemplating severing ties with them since 2020 and now seemed like the best time.

I learned that the site switched hands years back from its originally owners. Over the past 5 year RM has been in the news for not so great things. As a model with 13 years of history with them there was no more room for growth.  There is no transparency with upcoming changes to the site and it became a hub for people to harass, stalk and track you. Even the other models sometimes could be as bad as the clients.

48 hours after my departure and I have had an overwhelming amount of supporters reach out.

You don’t realize you have been censored until you are no longer censored.

Follow my content on or X @sirdemarco

Rentmen Customer Reviews

Don't Care About Clients
Like many others I found that the people running the site don't care about what happens to clients using the site af all and will take no action against escorts advertising on their platform even when there's no doubt that they engaged in scams or criminal activity. Long story short one of the people on their platform stole money from me, in chat logs on the rentmen website it clearly shows that he didn't dispute that, yet his ad is still there. When you report a user they fire off a form letter saying how important your contribution is to maintaining a safe environment and that they take negative behavior seriously. Then you'll never hear from them again. They won't let you know what their review entailed or what the results were.

These GUYS will not respond
These GUYS will not respond to you on the sites "chat" but will only send you a phone number to text them! So much for anyone joining this site to stay discreet and/or not wanting to give out your personal information to someone that you don't know! Screw that BOYS 😆

Escorts Constantly Stiff you over
Tried to make a booking with KRONOS_EXPERT via text and everything seemed to go fine until he asked for a picture, after that he kept on taking ages to reply and once i said i was going to do a bad review, he replied straight away and said he was booked out which is a lie as we were about to make a booking earlier. This is not the first time this has happened to me, I'm a busy person and don't have time to wait around for clients that are not interest and keep you waiting. RentMen don't allow you to write bad reviews for escorts anymore which is a shame as this guy can go and do this to someone else. reviews are highly suspect reviews are highly suspect. Practically every escort has all 5 star reviews. Having sampled the merchandise, I can tell you that those reviews are extremely generous to say the least. Now they won't even let unpaid members submit reviews. To play devil's advocate, this may stop escorts from having their friends, etc submit artificial reviews. I think $20/mth / $240 per year is extremely steep, so unfortunately I am not able to submit a review for an escort that is clearly using fake pictures

Absolutely horrible site
Absolutely horrible site. You have to become a premium member to write a review. Escorts have options to block you so you can not have the chance to write a review if there is something wrong with the process. You don’t have access to all the escorts photos even you pay to become a premium member. The have a private gallery, escorts can keep their gallery private even you pay you still can’t see the pics. What’s the point of paying membership then. No support, I reported an escort I booked using fake photos that he use someone else’s face pictures. but he is still operating, they did nothing about it. Overall just rubbish rubbish rubbish site.

Had my card deactivated by accident so…
Had my card deactivated by accident so auto bill did not go through. Now membership is doubled. Tried to explain to webmaster but said it is no longer available since my card was declined. They don’t care about the customers. Hope people see this and adds to the weariness.

This site is Bad.
this site if horrible. They allow the escorts to take your deposit then block you and block your phone numbers. To report someone you have to have a code to do a report which the system will not give you the code. The thief that took my money got put on a watch list. They is all the did to him. He is up and running today taking others money. I begged for a code to report the dude and they would not and will not give me a code. They say to never send a deposit when every single escort on the site requires a deposit. The site has some good escorts but half are thieves working the system

Absolutely very materialist webmaster…
Absolutely very materialist webmaster who does not provide HOT DEALS For escorts their prices is so expensive and worst part is you must SEND YOU ID CARD include You must HOLD UP PAPIE AND YOUR OWN YOUR USERNAME SHOWEN YOUR FACE TO GET VERIFIED SO YOUR ID CARD IS NOT ENOUGH THROUGH IT S SO SENSTIVE INFO TO BE GIVEN. STAY AWAY OF THOSE CROOKERS,

Negative review for jordan webmaster which is so rude and UNHELPFUL
Worst customer service i have ever seen specially one website called JORDAN. This guy is absolutely rude and mega selfish, i don t recommend this website as it s full of materialist and support is exactly same.

My escort account got removed recently
My escort account got removed recently. Been a member for years with over 20+ 5 star reviews. Because a few people reported my profile, I get kicked off the site. There are clients ghosting, showing fake Interest and being toxic. I'm just trying to make a living. There are many fake clients on the site. Escorts get zero protection from these Toxic client. I got a email saying. For questions feel free to contact us and the quickest way Is to write through messenger. When I create a new account, I get blocked Immediately saying you're not allowed to have multiple account. Horrible service and disgusted about the way I get treated here. I have so many clients who wanted to meet me on my next travel, but the webmaster destroys all of this. I'm a well respected escort on the site and get treated like dirt. You don't even get a warning or an explanation about who reported u and what It Is about. I been speaking to many clients and always kept It professional, but sometimes It's just too much. Many trolls on the site and a few reports get you permanently banned. Escorts are treated badly. Now I lost my profile and contacts. I also had year subscription, paid quite some money for that and now that has gone to waste also.

stupid customer service they ask for so…
stupid customer service they ask for so much information and id card and email verification to gave you finally an basic membership. highly not recommended avoid at any cost, better for for local ads

Appalling Webmasters
Continually threatened my account will be deleted based on fraudulent "Scam/Harassment" reports by client accounts. Basically they don't care at all about Escort profiles and are happy to side with clients and delete you, without even looking into the case. Whoever is responsible for moderating Rentmen Logan/Jordan, needs to be looked into. This conduct only damages rentmens international profile, I can see several other complaints have already been made about them. Really not good at all. To have facts disregarded and be dictated to like this is essentially being pimp slapped into line. Absolutely disgusting. I've never scammed anyone but apparently client profiles can just report you for nothing and then the result is Webmasters threaten to delete your account if more "client profiles" continue to report you. It's pretty easy to make continual new profiles with a Proxy/VPN if a person is vindictive. I have continually asked for an explanation and due to "confidentiality" they refuse to give me any information about these reports. It's incredibly alarming conduct by a website that is designed for sex work. sensors legitimate bad reviews for their "premium" escorts! Buyer beware
I have used rentmen for over a decade and have not had b ad experiences until now. I was having shoulder surgery and knew I would be out of commission for quite some time and decided since I was staying in a hotel by the hospital the night before I would set something up using rentmen. I selected the escort and made contact. After a day or two on the platform, knowing we were setting this up, we switched to texting. I confirmed he had me penciled in for Wednesday night on Monday, but was not sure if it would be an overnite or a least a couple hours. Tuesday we texted just saying hello and have a good day. On Wednesday morning we texted and early afternoon he sent a message to confirm we were still on. I responded less than 15 min later letting him know that due to anxiety and my plan to take a sleeping pill, I would not be doing an overnite, but a couple hours around 8:30-9 pm. I never heard from the next 6 1/2 hours I waited until after 9 as he had the address and sent a final message that I would be providing a 1 star review for ghosting me. That got a quick response from him. I submitted the review to rentmen on the escort and rentmen refused to publish it saying they protect their "premium" escorts from bad reviews. So bottom line, rentmen does NOT care about the clients using the services so reviews are NOT 100% reliable. I to secure with another escort last minute which turned out to be amazing! I have canceled my rentmen account and will take my business elsewhere since they choose NOT to protect the clients by providing HONEST reviews,.even if they are unfavorable. I ordered to send over proof from rhe texts and they could care less. Buyer beware!

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