Rentmen Not Currently Accepting Visa
I just tried to purchase a premium membership for RM with my visa but a box popped up stating they are only accepting mastercard at this time. I reached out to support to ask about this and got this back:
Hello, Logan here. We are working to find possible solutions, but for the time being we accept only MasterCard and Bitcoins.
I hope it's just temporary. So if anyone has a recurring payment set up and due soon with their visa you might see your membership stopped.
One of my regular massage providers told me the same thing about his RentMasseur account. His ad is expired until he can get a MasterCard.
What stinks is I used to only have an American Express so couldn't get a membership until I got a Visa once they stopped taking my Amex and now they don't take that either.
I'm using a Visa with them......I don't mind adding a MC, but now wonder if this'll cancel my grandfathered-in $9.95/mo rate.......and I wonder if some group got to Visa for "enabling" a "porn" site
Same happened to me this week. RentMen (and RentMasseur, same company) suddenly stopped taking Visa card payments. No warning, nothing. They expired my ad because my recurring membership payment won’t process. It’s Mastercard, bitcoin, or tough luck.
This move is mostly a money grab giving Mastercard exclusivity and RentMen/RentMasseur a discount on payment processing fees. The official story from the webmaster to me is they dropped Visa to comply with new regulatory requirements. Even if that’s true, it’s purely incidental. Yes, payment processors are running for the hills away from anything that looks like it enables or endorses criminal activity, but even legal things including fan site content and traditional porn. Just look at a lot of the updated terms and conditions over the past 6-12 months. You have to read the text. They don’t put it in the summaries and highlights emails.
The moral police are coming down hard on this and related industries. I’m all for stopping human trafficking, but you can never eliminate the sex work trade by legislation, social norms or peer pressure. Wherever demand and supply exist, so does a market. I digress…maybe save that for related threads.
Imagine how timely all this action is with the election coming up in 3 months…ok I’ll stop there before getting too political.
We all know RM prioritizes their bottom line above everything else. They forced me to put pictures in my private gallery last month, for example. The pictures weren’t even nude, but they deemed them x-rated. It was simply to add content to a gallery that members would have to buy a membership to view. I send pics when requested, but it’s just a way for RM to squeeze more $ out of both clients escorts. Lame.
The dropping Visa without warning debacle sent me into a tailspin because I don’t use MasterCard or bitcoin, or any other cryptocurrency. I’m on an extended road trip and some of the cities I’m visiting over the next few weeks are new to me…so no existing clients to rely on or reach out to. It’s purely advertising I have to go on to fill my books. I freaked out.
I scrambled to a grocery store in Columbus yesterday in the little free time I had left to get a Mastercard gift card. RM will let me upload the card because it recognizes that it’s a Mastercard, but it still won’t process the payment, presumably because it’s a prepaid type. F*ck me.
I managed this morning to apply for, and receive a new MasterCard with one of my financial institutions. Fortunately I got a digital card I can use until I receive the physical card in the mail.
As of this morning, my RentMasseur and RentMen recurring payments are switched over to the new MC. Fingers crossed they don’t go exclusively to crypto without notice. Then I would really be screwed.
Crypto is problematic in so many ways. Fine if RM wants to offer the option, but forcing us to use cryptocurrency would make me quit the platform tbh.
This whole thing is exhausting.
Simon Suraci
I just got a response from RM telling me that visa restrictions have been lifted and that I'm free to use my visa. The fates and pleasure gods have favored us....
Vin Marco