October 1, 2023


Rentmen is the largest provider advertising site in the U.S. and Canada.

Most of us already know that Rentmen recently put in new rules that require a fee from non advertisers (clients) in order to send in a review about an experience with a hired provider.  The fee is $240 yearly to rentmen, not to a provider.  

This requirement of paying rentmen a fee to write a review does potential harm to clients and providers who use Rentmen because of the inability to warn other clients (via reviews) of good or bad experiences from a provider. 

Moreover, there are some providers with fake photos and other dishonest claims advertising their services on rentmen.  Unless a client is willing to come up with $240 per year to give to rentmen, no review is allowed about the encounter between the client and the provider.  For the $240, a client is allowed to write reviews and watch some sort of animated video that are free on many world-wide sites.  

Now we have a new strange requirement set up by rentmen.  I was advised by someone I know who advertises on rentmen that all advertisement photos that show any genitalia in the advertisement photos must be removed.   

Such a requirement is bound to have a negative effect on providers who pay rentmen to advertise on their site.    

Rentmen is making many negative rules for both their advertising clients and the readers of rentmen who pay to hire the providers paying rentmen.  

I realize everyone wants to make money, however, the changes made by rentmen seem like a one-way street in favor of only rentmen.  

If this disclosure has already been made elsewhere on the site, please excuse the repeat.  I cannot find any other mention of this travesty.  

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