In all the classic, old-school porn, “monster cocks” were around 7.5in + , and most of the girls struggled with them. Now, all the “monster cocks” look way bigger, like 8.5+ , and the girls take them with ease.

It’s not just porn either. I’ve subscribed to several women’s onlyfans and gotten dick ratings. The younger women (18-25) are usually aren’t as impressed as older women (25-30). Like, I have had the older women talk about how much I’d hurt them, etc and I am only 7.25″ long. Where as the younger women give me reviews like “you have a nice dick.” I even asked a few of the younger women if I am big enough to hurt and they said no.

You’d think that it’d be the opposite. That the younger women would be in shock and awe and the older women would be unimpressed. Which is weird because in all my fantasies involving fucking younger women involve me playing BBC 10+ horsecock porn in the background while looking at a 19 year olds pics thinking I’d have the same effect on them that a 10 inch cock has on a porn star (unable to take it, etc). But in fact, it seems like the young girls, I’d be small to them. As pensis their age are probably 7 inch average.